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String matches method - forward slash not working

I am trying to match file paths of the following pattern:


I am using the following code to walk through the files in a path and match files of the above pattern:

String SOURCE_CONFIG_PATH = "/Users/someuser/folder/folder/config";

                .filter(file -> file.getFileName().toString().matches(".*/overlay\\.properties$"))
                .forEach(file -> {System.out.println(file.toString());});

This does not match the files, but the following code does:

filter(file -> file.getFileName().toString().matches(".*overlay\\.properties$"))

which would also pick /Users/someuser/folder/folder/config/server1/

Have tried escaping / resulting in ".*\\/overlay\\.properties$" and ".*\\\\/overlay\\.properties$" which has not solved the issue.


  • The getFileName() method, rather unsurprisingly, returns only the file name, not the complete path. As defined by the Javadoc:

    The file name is the farthest element from the root in the directory hierarchy.

    For the given path of /Users/someuser/folder/folder/config/server1/, the file name is If you just need to match files with that file name, regardless of their path, you don't need any regular expressions and can just use equals():

    filter(file -> file.getFileName().toString().equals(""))