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Run `kubectl apply` using yaml stored in a variable

I have a resource I want to apply as part of an automated script (running in powershell). I would rather not have to write it out to a file then have to deal with cleaning it up.

Is it possible to apply the yaml as part of a script?

Something similar to this:

$myYaml = @'
apiVersion: ""
kind: RoleBinding
  name: ServiceAccount-clusteradmin
  apiGroup: ""
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: ClusterAdmin
  - apiGroup: ""
    kind: User
    name: "MyAdminServiceAccount"

kubectl apply @myYaml

Clearly, the kubectl command above does not work.

My question is: Is a way to apply this yaml without creating a file (using powershell)?


  • myYaml is a variable having the data:

    $myYaml = @'
    apiVersion: ""
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: ServiceAccount-clusteradmin
      apiGroup: ""
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: ClusterAdmin
      - apiGroup: ""
        kind: User
        name: "MyAdminServiceAccount"

    Perform the following to echo the contents of $myYaml variable and pipe it to kubectl apply -f -, here last - is for piped input.

    $myYaml |kubectl.exe apply -f - created
    kubectl.exe get rolebindings
    NAME                          ROLE                       AGE
    ServiceAccount-clusteradmin   ClusterRole/ClusterAdmin   18s

    This is very similar to linux environment where echo "$var" |kubectl apply -f - is used to perform same action.