There may be another method to accomplish this, but here are my current thoughts. I want to replace specific values in a column of a CSV file. The CSV has unneeded text in front of some values, capitalization is inconsistent, so I want to clean it up.
I created a User.txt
file with "OldData","Built By"
as a header line. I figure this method would be cleanest. When new employees are added, or old ones leave, I can just edit this User.txt file instead of updating the PowerShell directly.
Example User.txt
"OldData","Built By"
"First Name3","Initials3"
Data.csv is generated automatically with 9 columns.
"Column1","Column2","Column3","Column4","Column5","Column6","Column7","Column8","Built By"
The Built By
column will have a value equal to OldData
in my User.txt
file. I would like to replace OldData
to Built By
in Data.csv
I've used the Import-CSV
command in various ways, but I don't have a specific example using a separate .txt file with the User information.
The code below is removing everything in the Built By column.
$Users = Import-Csv -Path "D:\Users.txt"
$Data = Import-Csv "D:\Data.csv"
ForEach($Record in $Data){
$MatchedValue = (Compare-Object $Users $Record -Property "OldData" -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent -PassThru).value
$Record = Add-Member -InputObject $Record -Type NoteProperty -Name "Built By" -Value $MatchedValue -Force
$Data|Export-Csv "D:\Data-Updated.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Please let me know if you need additional information. This is my first time posting to a forum like this!
Thanks, Adam
The way to approach this kind of problem is usually with a dictionary type, a hash table in this case, that you can use as lookup table or correlation table.
$map = @{}
# create a dictionary that will be used later on for replacements
foreach ($row in Import-Csv User.txt) {
$map[$row.OldData] = $row.'Built By'
Import-Csv 'Data.csv' | ForEach-Object {
# if the value of Built By exists in User.txt -> OldData
if ($map.ContainsKey($_.'Built By')) {
# assign the Built By value from User.txt
$_.'Built By' = $map[$_.'Built By']
else {
# the value doesn't exist in User.txt, so assign "Missing"
$_.'Built By' = 'MISSING'
# output the object (the row)
} | Export-Csv 'Data-Updated.csv' -NoTypeInformation