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Creating file on remote directory using MemoryStream, WinSCP and PowerShell

I have read on WinSCP's site that you can create a file on the remote FTP server using the method Session.PutFile and using a MemoryStream to create the object on the remote directory.

The syntax displayed however seems to be missing something

It mentions to create the MemoryStream and then pass an argument for the remote directory path and the filename.

I am using it within a function I created called SFTPCreatetrigger, as the name states the point is to use this to create an equivalent trigger file with the same name on a separate directory as each file uploads to another.

However I just keep getting the error New-Object:

Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.String' required by parameter 'ComObject'. Specified method is not supported.

Error sys object vs sys string

## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Function to Create file on Remote Directory
## ---------------------------------------------------------
Function SftpCreateTriggerFile

    [hashtable]$Return = @{}

    ## Get initial time
    $dt = Get-Date
    $StartTime = Get-Date $dt -f "MMddyy HH:mm:ss"
    $StartTimeUtc = $dt.ToUniversalTime().ToString("MMddyy HH:mm:ss")

    ## Load WinSCP .NET assembly
    [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCPnet.dll") | Out-Null

    ## Setup session options
    $sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions
    $sessionOptions.Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
    $sessionOptions.HostName = $FtpServer
    $sessionOptions.UserName = $FtpUsername
    $sessionOptions.Password = $FtpPassword
    $sessionOptions.PortNumber = 22
    $sessionOptions.SshHostKeyFingerprint = $FtpSshHostKeyFingerprint

    $session = New-Object WinSCP.Session

        # Connect
        # Upload files
        $transferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
        $transferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Automatic
        $transferOptions.FilePermissions = $null
        $transferOptions.PreserveTimestamp = $false
        $transferOptions.ResumeSupport.State = [WinSCP.TransferResumeSupportState]::Off

        $transferResult = $session.PutFile((New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream, ($FtpTriggerDirectory + $file.fullname)), $transferOptions)
        # Throw on any error
        if ($transferResult.Transfers.Count -gt 0)
            $Return.IsSuccess = $true
            $Return.StandardOutput = "Success"
            $Return.IsSuccess = $false
            $Return.StandardOutput = "Issue occurred creating trigger file on remote directory $FtpTriggerDirectory. No file created."

        ## Calculate time elapsed
        $ExecTime = [math]::Round(([datetime]::Now - ([datetime]::ParseExact($StartTime,'MMddyy HH:mm:ss',$null))).TotalSeconds)
    catch [Exception]
        $Return.IsSuccess = $false
        $Return.StandardOutput = $_.Exception.Message
        ## Calculate time elapsed
        $ExecTime = [math]::Round(([datetime]::Now - ([datetime]::ParseExact($StartTime,'MMddyy HH:mm:ss',$null))).TotalSeconds)
        $Return.StartTime = $StartTime
        $Return.StartTimeUtc = $StartTimeUtc            
        $Return.ExecTime = $ExecTime        
        ## Disconnect and cleanup
    Return $Return

The above is the function and below is what I am trying to execute

## Set up wildcards to download files
$arrFiles = @(Get-ChildItem $LocalDirectory -Filter "*.txt")

foreach ($file in $arrFiles)
    $arrReturnResults = SftpUploadWithWildcards -FtpServer $FtpServer -ftpdirectory $FtpDirectory -FtpUsername $FtpUsername -FtpPassword $FtpPassword -FtpSshHostKeyFingerprint $FtpSshHostKeyFingerprint -LocalDirectory $LocalDirectory -FileNameWildcards $file.Name
    $ProcessName = "Upload($FtpServer):FromDir($LocalDirectory):Files("+$file.Name+")"

    if ($arrReturnResults.IsSuccess)
        $arrResults += New-Object Psobject -property @{Time = $arrReturnResults.StartTime; Task = $ProcessName; Status = "Success"; Details = ""; ExecTime = $arrReturnResults.ExecTime; TimeUtc = $arrReturnResults.StartTimeUtc}
        ## File Archive
        # Move-Item ($LocalDirectory+$file.Name) ($LocalDirectory+"Archive") -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        ## Create 0 byte file with the same name to the trigger folder on remote server
        $arrReturnResults = SftpCreateTriggerFile -FtpServer $FtpServer -ftpTriggerdirectory $FtpTriggerDirectory -FtpUsername $FtpUsername -FtpPassword $FtpPassword -FtpSshHostKeyFingerprint $FtpSshHostKeyFingerprint
        $ProcessName = "Upload($FtpServer):FromDir($LocalDirectory):TriggerFiles("+$file.Name+")"

        if ($arrReturnResults.IsSuccess)
            $arrResults += New-Object Psobject -property @{Time = $arrReturnResults.StartTime; Task = $ProcessName; Status = "Success"; Details = ""; ExecTime = $arrReturnResults.ExecTime; TimeUtc = $arrReturnResults.StartTimeUtc}
            $arrResults += New-Object Psobject -property @{Time = $arrReturnResults.StartTime; Task = $ProcessName; Status = "Failed"; Details = $arrReturnResults.StandardOutput; ExecTime = $arrReturnResults.ExecTime; TimeUtc = $arrReturnResults.StartTimeUtc}
        $arrResults += New-Object Psobject -property @{Time = $arrReturnResults.StartTime; Task = $ProcessName; Status = "Failed"; Details = $arrReturnResults.StandardOutput; ExecTime = $arrReturnResults.ExecTime; TimeUtc = $arrReturnResults.StartTimeUtc}

All my variables ($ftpserver, $ftpusername, $ftptriggerdirectory etc) are set with correct values. It just seems calling

New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream alone works to create a new MemoryStream object

CanRead      : True
CanSeek      : True
CanWrite     : True
Capacity     : 0
Length       : 0
Position     : 0
CanTimeout   : False
ReadTimeout  : 
WriteTimeout : 

However I cannot assign the name I want to it (which effectively is the last $file to have gone through the foreach loop)

I have read around MemoryStream use and seen that you need to reference a byte array? However I just want it to create an object on the remote directory as stated in examples I found by Martin Prikryl himself.


  • If your goal was to create an empty file (from a new empty MemoryStream), then the problem is the incorrect syntax to call Session.PutFile with three arguments. It should be:

        (New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream),      # stream
        ($FtpTriggerDirectory + $file.fullname),  # remoteFilePath
        $transferOptions)                         # options 

    (The brackets around $FtpTriggerDirectory + $file.fullname are redundant)

    Also note that Session.PutFile does not return anything. So all your code, that assigns $transferResult and work with it, will fail. The method throws an exception on error. If you want to log the exception/error, do it in your catch [Exception] clause (what you should be doing anyway).