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How to login to postgresql db - After session kill (for copy database)

I tried to copy a database within the same server using postgresql server

I tried the below query


And got the below error

ERROR:  source database "originaldb" is being accessed by 1 other user

So, I executed the below command

SELECT pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity 
WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'originaldb' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();

Now none of us are able to login/connect back to the database.

When I provide the below command

psql -h 192.xx.xx.x -p 9763 -d originaldb -U postgres

It prompts for a password and upon keying password, it doesn't return any response

May I understand why does this happen? How can I connect to the db back? How do I restart/make the system to let us login back?

Can someone help us with this?


  • It sounds like something is holding an access exclusive lock on a shared catalog, such as pg_database. If that is the case, no one will be able to log in until that lock gets released. I wouldn't think the session-killing code you ran would cause such a situation, though. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

    If you can't find an active session, you can try using system tools to figure out what is going on, like ps -efl|fgrep postgre. Or you can just restart the whole database instance, using whatever method you would usually use to do that, like pg_ctl restart -D <data_directory> or sudo service postgresql restart or some GUI method if you are on an OS that does that.