I try to implement collision detection and collision effects. This is my code for collision detection:
fun collisionDetection(objcect : Renderable?, object2 : Renderable?) : Boolean {
var collisionX : Boolean = objcect?.getPosition()?.x?.plus(quadSizeX)!! >= object2?.getPosition()?.x!! && object2?.getPosition()?.x?.plus(quadSizeX)!! >= objcect?.getPosition()?.x!!
var collisionY : Boolean = objcect?.getPosition()?.y?.plus(quadSizeY)!! >= object2?.getPosition()?.y!! && object2?.getPosition()?.y?.plus(quadSizeY)!! >= objcect?.getPosition()?.y!!
var collisionZ : Boolean = objcect?.getPosition()?.z?.plus(quadSizeZ)!! >= object2?.getPosition()?.z!! && object2?.getPosition()?.z?.plus(quadSizeZ)!! >= objcect?.getPosition()?.z!!
return collisionX && collisionY && collisionZ }
This seems to work, when used with overlapping objects set to overlapping values by transformations. This way
wall.translateLocal(Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, -8.0f))
wall2.translateLocal(Vector3f(0.0f, 2.0f, -8.0f))
collisionDetection is true.
When moving wall2 on the z-axis with a different starting point and speed, but x and y position are the same, the effect of the collision should be that wall2 stops moving, when z position of both objects is equal. I tried it this way in the main loop (and many other ways...), but it is still not working:
fun render(dt: Float, t: Float) {
if (collisionDetection(wall, wall2) == true) {
else {wall2.translateLocal(Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -t.toFloat()* 0.001f))}
I have no idea now, what is wrong and how to fix it. It seems like the collisionDetection function doesn't get information about the changing positions on the z-axis of the wall2. Or maybe I need a different approach.
Everything works fine now. Forgot to calculate QuadSize for the second object. This results in two objects on the same z.coordinate.Nothing has been wrong with the function for detecting collisions.