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SED or AWK extract between string to end of line leave only first result found

Trying to write an email processor extracting some data from email (dovecot/postfix based), so file located in


let's say


Email file text contains text and HTML

Subject: New user
New user created 
User name:Billy Jean
<html><head><title>New user</title>
<p>New user created</p>
User name:Billy Jean<br>

The task is to extract exactly user name Billy Jean between

User name:

and end of line

but leave only first instance to avoid duplicates (ignore HTML line User name:Billy Jean<br>)

Already tested some variants from StackOverFlow like

awk '/^User name:/{print $NF}' /home/moderator/Maildir/cur/file

but it does not give a necessary result and does not correspond the exact matter of my question.

Thx for any ideas to try,


  • With your shown samples, please try following awk code. Look for string which you want to search and exit on its first existence after printing needed value.

    awk -F':' '/^User name:/{print $NF;exit}' /home/moderator/Maildir/cur/file

    Bonus solution: In case your awk program has more things to handle and we can't get out of program without doing all stuff, then add a simple condition check with print so that it prints only very first occurrence of string.

    awk -F':' '/^User name:/ && ++count==1{print $NF} {your rest of code here....}' /home/moderator/Maildir/cur/file