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Pair data located in the same string, AWK or other

I have a file with strings like this

1A,1B,1C,   2A,2B,2C,

between the group "1" and the group "2" there is a tab (each string has a different number of elements inside the file); I would need to pair the "A", "B", and "C", and move each pair in a new line; for e.g.


I was looking with AWK or Bash, but I can not come out.


  • Perl solution:

    perl -F'/\t/' -lne '@c = map [split /,/, $_], @F;
                        print "$c[0][$_]-$c[1][$_]" for 0 .. $#{ $c[0] }
                       ' < input_file
    • -n reads the input line by line;
    • -l removes newlines from input and appends them to print;
    • -F splits each input line on the given regex, here we're using a tab; the @F array is populated with the results;
    • each of the groups now in @F is split on a comma, so the array @c contains two array references (note that unlike awk, Perl throws away empty trailing fileds by default);
    • the values from the two array references are printed in pairs; $#{ $c[0] } is the last index of the first array reference.