The string or word can be of any length.
Eg "William Shakespeare" = "I am a weakish speller" both are anagrams
E.g. "Madam Curie" = "Radium came"
This may work for you:
# function to cleanup a given argument by doing this:
# 1. Remove all alphanumerics
# 2. Convert to all lowercasing all characters
# 3. Sorting all characters
# 4. Stripping all newlines
prep() {
fold -w1 <<< "${1//[^[:alnum:]]/}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort | tr -d '\n'
# function to check if given 2 arguments are anagrams
isAnagram() {
a=$(prep "$1")
b=$(prep "$2")
[[ $a = $b ]] && echo "yes" || echo "no";
To call them use:
isAnagram "William Shakespeare" "I am a weakish speller"
isAnagram "Madam Curie" "Radium came"
isAnagram "cat" "act"
isAnagram "cat" "cot"