I have a problem with changing the color of title/subtitle/leading of the disabled/inactive ListTile in Flutter.
ListTile has a trailing Checkbox and it's checked. And the color of title/subtitle is light blue. I want to change this color, but don't know how. I tried to change it with ThemeData:
textTheme: TextTheme(
subtitle1: TextStyle(
color: Colors.grey[500],
But it works only for unchecked Checkbox, after it's checked the title/subtitle becomes light blue, but I want it to be grey :( Where does thic color come from? What else I can try? I think I have this problem since I upgraded Flutter to 3.24.0, before that everything was fine. I am on Flutter Web and unfortunatelly can't use DevTool Inspector.
I've just found a solution, but I think there could be another one, maybe with ThemeData, so I could define the color for every ListTile widget and don't use an additional widget to change it.
It's possible to change the color of inactive title/subtitle/leading with ListTileTheme like this:
selectedColor: Colors.grey,
child: ListTile(
leading: Icon(Icons.featured_play_list_outlined),
title: Text('Title'),
subtitle: Text('Subtitle'),
So basically I have to wrap ListTile with a ListTileTheme and use selectedColor property and it does the job! The color of inactive title/subtitle/leading changes.