I have table with multiple result per days for particular project_name (SUCCESS, FAILURE, ABORTED, UNSTABLE). I would like to select only days where only FAILURE status occurs - nothing else. There are some days with multiple status (after FAILURE it can be solved and get status with different time and set to SUCCESS). How can I select only days with FAILURE status?
my query:
date_trunc('day', time) AS group_day,
FROM project_status
WHERE project_name = 'project_x'
GROUP BY date_trunc('day', time), project_name, build_result
You can group by group_day
and project_name
and use string_agg()
in the HAVING
clause to set the condition that the only value of build_result
SELECT date_trunc('day', time) AS group_day,
FROM project_status
WHERE project_name = 'project_x'
GROUP BY group_day, project_name
HAVING string_agg(DISTINCT build_result, ',') = 'FAILURE'