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Create dummy rows to fill missing values into a SQL Server table

This question is in addition to my previous post: Insert dummy rows to fill missing values into a SQL Table

I have this SQL Server table; I want to fill with n number of missing rows with dummy data up to the previous month end, which at this time would be 2021-06-30. I want the other columns acct, type, amt to be the same with begin_date and end_date incrementing by 1 month up to 2021-06-30.

For example: acct 2 type B ends at period 2021-02-28, hence I need dummy rows to be created from this date up to the end of the previous month end which as of now is 2021-06-30.

acct 2 type A already has rows up to the previous months end 2021-06-30 hence no dummy rows are needed.

 acct,type,amt, begin_date, end_date
  1,  C,   10, 2020-05-01, 2020-05-31
  1,  C,   10, 2020-06-01, 2020-06-30
  2,  B,   50 ,2021-01-01, 2021-01-31
  2,  B,   50 ,2021-02-01, 2021-02-28
  2,  A,   50 ,2021-05-01, 2021-05-31
  2,  A,   50 ,2021-06-01, 2021-06-30

This is how I want the result:

      acct,type,amt, begin_date, end_date
      1,  C,   10, 2020-05-01, 2020-05-31
      1,  C,   10, 2020-06-01, 2020-06-30
      1,  C,   10, 2021-06-01, 2021-06-30
      2,  B,   50 ,2021-01-01, 2021-01-31
      2,  B,   50 ,2021-02-01, 2021-02-28
      2,  B,   50 ,2021-03-01, 2021-03-31
      2,  B,   50 ,2021-04-01, 2021-04-30
      2,  B,   50 ,2021-05-01, 2021-05-31
      2,  B,   50 ,2021-06-01, 2021-06-30

Then I would be able to do a insert to the original table or a union all


  • According to your data, 1/C ends a year before the date you have in mind. So, it should also generate rows.

    I see the difference from your previous question:

    • You have acct/type together.
    • The cutoff date is dynamic based on the current date.

    The changes are really just tweaks on the earlier query:

    with cte as (
          select acct, type, amt,
                 dateadd(day, 1, end_date) as begin_date,
                 eomonth(dateadd(day, 1, end_date)) as end_date
          from (select t.*,
                       row_number() over (partition by acct, type order by end_date desc) as seqnum
                from t
               ) t
          where seqnum = 1 and end_date < eomonth(getdate(), -2)
          union all
          select acct, type, amt, dateadd(month, 1, begin_date),
                 eomonth(dateadd(month, 1, begin_date))
          from cte
          where begin_date < eomonth(getdate(), -2)
    select *
    from cte;

    Here is a db<>fiddle.