I have a table that looks something like
grain 10
rice 10
bread 10
wine 20
chair 20
bed 30
desk 30
and I would like to create all possible combinations with the sum of the prices, including the unique values to create something like
grain grain grain grain 40
grain grain grain rice 40
grain grain rice rice 40
grain grain grain desk 60
what would be the quick and dirtiest way of accomplishing this?
Use three joins
select t1.col1, t2.col1, t3.col1, t4.col1,
(t1.price + t2.price + t3.price + t4.price)
from t t1 join
t t2
on t1.col1 <= t2.col1 join
t t3
on t2.col1 <= t3.col1 join
t t4
on t3.col1 <= t4.col1;