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Does Quartus support in-memory synthesis?

I'm working on a project that generates a large number of components. I'm having the problem that Quartus is generating an extremely large number of files in the /db directory, on the order of hundreds of thousands.

The system I am working on has limited storage that is also very slow. Just deleting the db folder is taking over 20mins, and for the project I have to do many separate builds, so it's a significant bottle neck.

Does Quartus support keeping the db archive in ram during synthesis?

Vivado has the -in-memory option for the create_project command. Is there a Quartus equivalent? I've look through the "Quartus II Scripting reference manual" and found nothing yet.

Quartus version is 19.1

Thank you.


  • I was not able to find any option similar to -in-memory.

    However, I'm working on a linux system, so by placing the build directory in tmpfs (ram file system) I was able to get a significant improvement in performance.