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cypresspageobjects page objects cause ' failed because it requires a DOM element.' error

New to cypress, but did a couple projects in Protractor and TestCafe.

I'm aware of the controversy using PO's in cypress, but due to the complexity / nature of our app, we're going with it.

Refactoring the test to remove PO's and include the app ID's works. With the page objects, we get the 'requires a DOM element' error.

// myPo.js

class LoginPage {
    loginPageCon() {
      return cy.get('#page-login');
    forgotPasswordLnk() {
      return cy.get('#forgotPassword');
    emailTxt() {
      return cy.get('#email');
    forgotPasswordCon() {
      return cy.get('#page-forgot-password');
  export default LoginPage;

// myTest.spec.js

import loginPage from '../pageObjects/myPo.js';
const loginPage = new LoginPage();

describe('Authorization', () => {
  it('can direct to the azure instance', () => {

describe('Forgot Password', () => {
  it('clicking forgot password sends you to the correct screen', () => {


  • You are returning a function reference to cy.get() when you call cy.get(loginPage.forgotPasswordLink). Change It to:


    Your page object is already returning a chainable of cy.get()