Search code examples

Using `cy.request()` command how to get `meta` tag and `script` tag contents

Using cy.request() command how to get meta tag and script tag content. Example given below:

<meta data-n-head="ssr" 
  data-hid="og-title" property="og:title" 
  content="Blue zone booking area">

<script data-n-head="ssr" data-hid="nuxt-jsonld-6378ffa8" type="application/ld+json">
  {"@context":"", "@type":"WebPage",
   "headline":"Parcel area for Blue Zone one", 

I have tried cy.wrap($meta) and iterate but it doesn't work ?. Can anyone suggest how can we grab content="Blue zone booking area" attribute from meta tag and headline attribute content from the script tag ?

note : This is not a front end test, that's why I am using cy.request() to make sure that the SEO/SSR are looking good in our website. As google SEO send a request and hit the above url, so then we should make sure that the rendering are looking good. When you use cy.visit() or cy.get() command it will enable the browser javascript and that is not I want

   .then((response) => {
          const htmlString = response.body;
          const parser = new DOMParser();
          const parseHtml = parser.parseFromString(htmlString, 'text/html');
         const $meta = parseHtml.getElementsByTagName('meta');
        // how to get at here             


  • Looks like you are mixing up Cypress/jQuery style with DOM (native) style queries.

    This should do it using the DOM parser

      url: '',
      failOnStatusCode: false
    }).then(response => {
      const parser = new DOMParser()
      const doc = parser.parseFromString(response.body, 'text/html')
      const metaTags = doc.head.querySelectorAll('meta') // pull <meta> from document head
      metaTags.forEach(metaTag => {      // it's a DOMList, use forEach()
        const key =         // not all have a "name"  
        const content = metaTag.content  // all will have content
        console.log(key, content)

    Or with Cypress (arguably better if performing SEO)

    cy.document().then(doc => {
      cy.wrap(doc.head).find('meta').each($meta => {
        const key = $meta.attr('name')
        const content = $meta.attr('content')
        console.log(key, content)

    Also consider Bahmutov - Cypress Lighthouse Example. There is a SEO section in Lighthouse, and the results for currently show

    No <meta name="viewport"> tag found

    enter image description here


    There is an example of jsonLD test here cypress-automated-test-for-seo-data

    it("Verify jsonLD structured data - simple", () => {
      // Query the script tag with type application/ld+json
      cy.get("script[type='application/ld+json']").then((scriptTag) => {
        // we need to parse the JSON LD from text to a JSON to easily test it
        const jsonLD = JSON.parse(scriptTag.text());
        // once parsed we can easily test for different data points
        // Cross referencing SEO data between the page title and the headline
        // in the jsonLD data, great for dynamic data
        cy.title().then((currentPageTitle) =>