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Cypress & Cucumber: Commands.js function does not work in step definition

A function I created in commands.js does not work in cucumber step definitions. Yet, another function with a simple return works in the same step definition.


Cypress.Commands.add('excelData', async () => {

    const ExcelJs = require('exceljs')

    var columnArray = [];

    var workbook = new ExcelJs.Workbook()
    await workbook.xlsx.readFile('E:/Automations/Cypress/FrameworkToCucumberSpecFlow/cypress/downloads/exceldata.xlsx')
    var worksheet = workbook.getWorksheet('sampledatab')

    worksheet.eachRow((row) => {
        row.eachCell((cell) => {

    columnArray.splice(0, 1) 

    return cy.wrap(columnArray)


Cypress.Commands.add('TestCommandsJS', () => {
    return 'TestCommandsJS works'

step definition

When('I compare that list with the Excel specification sheet list', () => {

    cy.excelData().then(data => { //this does not work

    cy.TestCommandsJS().then(data => { //this work fine


Any help appreciated.


  • The exceljs library you are using is a Nodejs library.

    You will have to move the custom command code to a task - see Cypress task docs.

    on('task', {
      async excelData({path, sheet}) {
        const ExcelJs = require('exceljs')
        const columnArray = []
        const workbook = new ExcelJs.Workbook()
        await workbook.xlsx.readFile(path)
        const worksheet = workbook.getWorksheet(sheet)
        worksheet.eachRow(row => {
          row.eachCell(cell => {
        return columnArray

    Then your test will use it:

    cy.task('excelData', {
        path: 'SampleData.xlsx',   // path relative to project root
        sheet: 'SalesOrders'       // specify the sheet in test not in task 
      .then(data => data.slice(0,7))  // headers
        ['OrderDate', 'Region', 'Rep', 'Item', 'Units', 'Unit Cost', 'Total'])