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Spring Boot 2 - @Component loading before @Configuration

I have a Spring Boot Application and two classes that come from different jars that i am using, where one of them is @Component, and the other one is @Configuration.
Both of them have @PostConstruct methods and basically here is my use case -> i want the @Configuration's @PostConstruct to run before @Component's @PostConstruct. Is it possible to achieve this somehow?
I tried with @DependsOn on the @Component (referencing the @Configuration - which does not have any beans inside - only @PostConstruct), but it does not work.
Here are code pieces.
First file:

public class MainConfig {
    public void postConstruct() {
        // doSomething

Second file.

public class SecondClass {
  public void init() throws InterruptedException {
    // doSomething that depends on postConstruct from MainConfig

Thanks a lot in advance


  • @Configuration
    public class MainConfig {
        public void postConstruct() {
            // doSomething
    public class SecondClass {
      private MainConfig mainConfig;
      public void init() throws InterruptedException {
        // doSomething that depends on postConstruct from MainConfig