Search code examples

Kusto KQL (Defender ATP) - Any way to compare strings by sort order?

I'm trying to generate a list of account names (attempted, failed, and successful) via Kusto/KQL aggregation.

Intended results are simple-- a single column of string values, sorted alphabetically in ascending order.

As it is cutting me off after 10k results, I am now looking at ways to chunk/paginate this result set.

For each page request, I thought I'd grab the last name in the list and append that to the next query (| where AccountName > "bob.saget").

Kusto won't let me do this; it yields a Cannot compare values of types string and string. Try adding explicit casts error.


  • While the answer to your original question (of how to compare strings lexicographically) is to use the strcmp() function, what you actually want is Pagination, and that's another story :)

    The right path to do pagination in Kusto is to use Stored query results:

    Retrieve the first page like this:

    .set stored_query_result GiveItSomeName with (previewCount = 100) <|
    // Your query comes here
    | where isnotempty(AccountName)
    | summarize by AccountName
    | order by AccountName asc
    // Add a row number
    | project RowNum = row_number()

    Retrieve the next page like this:

    | where RowNum between (100 .. 200)
