I would like to check two different tables and then ignore the matched results in the output. Example: If Table1 with Source1 has the Name "ABC" as well as Number "123" or "456" and at the same time if Table2 with Source1 has Type == "Misc" then ignore the matches and return everything else. thanks
Table 1
| where Source = 1 and Name == "ABC" and Number in ("123", "456")
Table 2
| where Source = 1 and Type == "Misc"
You could do an anti join
and then a union
, when Id
is your matching property:
| join kind=anti(
| where Source = 1 and Name == "ABC" and Number in ("123", "456"))
on Id),
| join kind=anti(
| where Source = 1 and Type == "Misc")
on Id)