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how to convert the rows into columns in Azure Data Explorer (Kusto)

I have a situation where i need to convert the rows into columns in Kusto

let mainTable = datatable (GroupName:string, MemberCount:int, MemberType:string)[

Above mainTable results us with 8 rows. But expected result should have only 2 rows for 2 GroupName(s) with 6 Columns. Need to convert all the MemberType to columns. GroupName, MemberCount, MSI, User, SPN, ServiceAccount

I tried | evaluate pivot(MemberType) but it is still giving me 8 rows.


  • I didn't find the definition of your expected output clear enough. It may have helped if you would have provided it in tabular format.

    That said, you may find the following helpful - it uses:

    datatable (GroupName: string, MemberCount: int, MemberType: string)
        "ABC", 5, "User",
        "ABC", 10, "MSI",
        "ABC", 15, "ServiceAccount",
        "ABC", 20, "SPN",
        "XYZ", 3, "User",
        "XYZ", 6, "MSI",
        "XYZ", 9, "ServiceAccount",
        "XYZ", 12, "SPN",
    | summarize b = make_bag(bag_pack(MemberType, MemberCount)) by GroupName
    | evaluate bag_unpack(b)
    GroupName MSI ServiceAccount SPN User
    ABC 10 15 20 5
    XYZ 6 9 12 3

    Alternatively, you can use the pivot plugin:

    datatable (GroupName: string, MemberCount: int, MemberType: string)
        "ABC", 5, "User",
        "ABC", 10, "MSI",
        "ABC", 15, "ServiceAccount",
        "ABC", 20, "SPN",
        "XYZ", 3, "User",
        "XYZ", 6, "MSI",
        "XYZ", 9, "ServiceAccount",
        "XYZ", 12, "SPN",
    | evaluate pivot(MemberType, sum(MemberCount))
    GroupName MSI ServiceAccount SPN User
    ABC 10 15 20 5
    XYZ 6 9 12 3