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How to create a custom UTType and make it enable for UIDocumentPickerViewController?

I am creating an app in which there are custom file types such as .xyz file, which is not part of UTType API.

Here are the case problems:

  • I want to create a custom UTType with xyz extension.
  • While opening file app, only those file should be enable which has extension .xyz
  • The file with xyz extension should show a custom icon on file App.


  • You should have mentioned the solutions you tried and it did not work for you.

    By the way, there are few steps that you can follow:

    Step 1. Create your document type in info.plist

    • Give the name of your file type such as xyz
    • Define the type identifier such as
    • Define the file icon against the key CFBundleTypeIconFiles

    enter image description here

    Step 2: Define the exported type identifier in info.plist

    • Add the same identifier that we added while defining document type, i.e.

    • define your extension xyz, XYZ

    enter image description here

    Step 3: Now while initialising UIDocumentPickerViewController, use the UTtype with identifier you declared in first two steps:

    let xyzUTType = UTType("")
    let documentPicker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forOpeningContentTypes: [xyzUTType], asCopy: true)