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Can a class instance return tuple without using attribute?

I've got a small problem which in itself isn't a big deal but is bugging me none the less. Consider the code below.

import pygame

class vector:
    def __init__(s, x, y):
        s.x = int(x)
        s.y = int(y)
        s.t = (s.x, s.y)

    def __add__(s, n):
        return vector(s.x + n[0], s.y + n[1])

size = vector(10, 10)

pygame.Surface((size + (5, 5)).t)

When passing vector as a parameter to pygame.Surface I have to use the 't' attribute to access the tuple stored in 'size'.

Is there a way to have it simply like this?

pygame.Surface(size + (5, 5))

Is there a magic method that returns a value if no attribute or method is referenced?

In pygame you can define a vector like this, v = pygame.math.vector2(10, 10) and then pass that vector to a surfaces blit function like this, someSurface.blit(sprite, v) and there's no need to reference a method or attribute to get the value so it does seem possible, though I guess it's perfectly plausible that the blit function can handle a vector2 as an argument?

Thank you for you time.


  • Implement __len__ and __getitem__:

    class vector:
        def __init__(s, x, y):
            s.x = int(x)
            s.y = int(y)
            s.t = (s.x, s.y)
        def __add__(s, n):
            return vector(s.x + n[0], s.y + n[1])
        def __len__(s):
            return 2
        def __getitem__(s, i):
            return [s.x, s.y][i]