I have my project with a different thread that make some stuff.
It's all ok, but I wish have some function called each 20ms (for example), but considering the time spent to the function... I try to explain better... I call the function, and the function spent 6ms to exit, so I wish that the thread sleeps 14ms (20 - 6), the next time that is called, the function spent 12ms, so the sleep will be only 8ms.... how can I do this? here is my code:
// thread constructor
DWORD dwThreadId, dwThrdParam = 1;
HANDLE thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)workerFunc, &dwThrdParam, 0, &dwThreadId );
// thread function
DWORD WINAPI workerFunc( LPDWORD lpdwParam )
while( true )
myFunction( );
Sleep( ??? );
return 0;
What about this:
clock_t start, end;
while( true )
start = clock();
myFunction( );
end = clock();