A few experiments with Data.Aeson.Types.Internal.Number
import Data.Aeson
-- 10.4
realToFrac 10.4
-- 10.4
Number (realToFrac 10.4) -- <-- the problematic expression
-- Number 10.4000000000000003552713678800500929355621337890625
Number 10.4
-- Number 10.4
The code below uses the problematic expression in order to JSON-encode a Float
data Value =
VInt Int
| VFloat Float
deriving Show
instance ToJSON Value where
toJSON (VInt n) = Number (fromIntegral n)
toJSON (VFloat f) = Number (realToFrac f)
Which will output JSON with values like 10.4000000000000003552713678800500929355621337890625
How comes there are so many trailing digits with Number (realToFrac 10.4)
and how to address this problem?
For various reasons, there is no perfect solution. You might like fromFloatDigits
-- it will do better with 10.4
, but worse with some other numbers.