Suppose you have a view, which contains three control A, B and C. The control A and B are in a HGroup, which itself is inside a VGroup with C.
Based on user interaction, I'd like to re-arrange the controls to new layouts. For example all three inside a VGroup. Or for example a layout, which hides A and B and maximizes C in size.
While I could hand-write the code, I'd like to use something like a layout template. A template, which contains placeholders for A, B and C. Give the current view, I'd like to pass the new template and the view should rearrange.
Does such a component exist?
i'm not aware of such component but why you don't use states ? You can put your components in different container in each state than change the state of your parent component. I haven't tried but it should work because flex doesn't reinitialize the same component if it appears in many states.
Hope this helps