I am trying to use the ccs/ka (Georgian) language to synthesize text of UTF-8 encoding:
I try to run:
espeak-ng -v ka გამარჯობა
but there is no sound played.
But when I create a file e.x. file.txt and write გამარჯობა inside that, it reads and plays without problem.
My ultimate goal is to run this without reading it from a file. I am trying to implement this in Python to use it on my project by using a wrapper from pip, or by using the subprocess module to run shell commands.
$OutputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8
to let the UTF-8 be inputtable in powershell
Notable things:
$text = Get-Content .\file.txt
espeak-ng -v ka $text
If I run this in Powershell, it reads file and also plays the sound.
$text prints as გჃ›áƒƒ ჯáƒ
. I am not sure of what encoding this is or how to convert this to a readable form. It would be enough for me to know how to convert Georgian text into this kind of text, so at least I'll be able to just write this whatever text and let that play.
The program also has the encoding argument
espeak-ng -b 1
This means that the text inputted will be in UTF-8 Format. Yet, when I do pass it, nothing changes.
Piping the text makes it work:
"გამარჯობა" | espeak-ng -v ka