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PowerShell - Get Properties of MSI


I am trying to get (from an MSI of Chrome Enterprise) a version number. After I download Chrome as a .MSI , I notice that I can see a number of properties. The one I want to be able to access and build an "if statement" off of is the "Comments" section.

Proof of Data

When I try to use Get-Item and format it as a list, it says there is nothing in there and I cannot seem to identify what to do.

(Get-Item ".\Chrome.msi").VersionInfo | fl

That command returns:

No Output

How can I pull the "Comments" section and the data from it?


  • These properties are not stored in the System.IO.FileInfo object returned by Get-Item or Get-Command. A solution would be to use the shell.application COM object to retrieve these attributes for you:

    $filePath   = ".\Chrome.msi"
    $parentPath = (Resolve-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $filePath)).Path
    $fileName   = Split-Path -Path $filePath -Leaf
    $shell = New-Object -COMObject Shell.Application
    $shellFolder = $Shell.NameSpace($parentPath)
    $shellFile   = $ShellFolder.ParseName($fileName)

    24, is the ID of the specific property you're after so in this case it's comments needed for .GetDetailsOf(.,.) to get that info . Luckily, I came across this issue before when I too was trying to parse for the comments. I don't recall where but, I found the solution proposed above so I will link it when I can once again find it.