I have a Blazorise DataGrid EditTemplate such that:
<Select TValue="int" SelectedValue="@((int)( context.CellValue ))" SelectedValueChanged="@(( v ) => context.CellValue = v)">
<SelectItem TValue="int" Value="0">All</SelectItem>
<SelectItem TValue="int" Value="1">Option 1</SelectItem>
<SelectItem TValue="int" Value="2">Option 2</SelectItem>
which works fine. I want to turn this into custom component I can reuse, so created the following:
<Select TValue="int" SelectedValue="@((int)( sourceId ))" SelectedValueChanged="@(( v ) => sourceId = v)">
<SelectItem TValue="int" Value="0">All</SelectItem>
<SelectItem TValue="int" Value="1">Option 1</SelectItem>
<SelectItem TValue="int" Value="2">Option 2</SelectItem>
@code {
public int sourceId { get; set; }
Which I call with
<SourcesEdit sourceId="@((int)( context.CellValue ))" />
The Select component is displayed and behaves correctly but the selection is not reflected in the grid after clicking save.
What am I doing wrong?
Here's a code sample illustrating how to create a custom component that displays a list of values (departments) for the user to select when in edit mode. The selected option is the value displayed in display mode. If you add a new employee, the selected value is the string "Select..."
@typeparam TValue
<Select SelectedValue="SelectedValue" SelectedValueChanged="SelectedValueChanged">
<SelectItem TValue="string" Value="null">Select...</SelectItem>
@foreach (var department in Departments)
<SelectItem TValue="string" Value="@department">@department</SelectItem>
@code {
public List<string> Departments {get;set;} = new List<string> {"Sales","IT", "Accounting"};
public TValue SelectedValue { get; set; }
public EventCallback<TValue> SelectedValueChanged { get; set; }
And this is how you embed the EditComponent in the EditTemplate
template in the DataGrid. Copy and test...
@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
<DataGrid TItem="Employee"
<DataGridCommandColumn TItem="Employee" Width="170px">
<Button Color="Color.Success"
<Button Color="Color.Primary"
<Button Color="Color.Primary"
<Button Color="Color.Danger"
<Button Color="Color.Secondary"
<DataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Field="@nameof(Employee.ID)" Caption="#" Sortable="false" />
<DataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Field="@nameof(Employee.FirstName)" Caption="First Name" Editable="true" />
<DataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Field="@nameof(Employee.LastName)" Caption="Last Name" Editable="true" />
<DataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Field="@nameof(Employee.Salary)" Caption="Salary" Editable="true">
@($"{( context as Employee )?.Salary}")
<NumericEdit TValue="decimal" Value="@((decimal)(((CellEditContext)context).CellValue))" ValueChanged="@(v=>((CellEditContext)context).CellValue=v)" />
<DataGridSelectColumn TItem="Employee" Field="@nameof(Employee.Department)" Caption="Department" Editable="true" >
@($"{( context as Employee ).Department}")
<EditComponent TValue="string" SelectedValue="@((string)(((CellEditContext)context)?.CellValue))"
SelectedValueChanged="@(( v ) => context.CellValue = v)"/>
@code {
private List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee> {
new Employee{ ID = 1, FirstName = "Nancy", LastName = "Davolio", Salary = 1000.0M, Department = "Sales" },
new Employee{ ID = 2, FirstName = "Andrew", LastName = "Cohen", Salary = 2000.0M, Department = "IT" },
new Employee{ ID = 3, FirstName = "David", LastName = "Copperfield", Salary = 3000.0M, Department = "Accounting" }
private int totalEmployees = 3;
public class Employee
public int ID {get;set;}
public string FirstName {get;set;}
public string LastName {get;set;}
public decimal Salary {get;set;}
#nullable enable
public string? Department {get;set;}
#nullable disable