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Is there a way to wait for all tasks until a specific result is true, and then cancel the rest?

In my C# console application, I'm trying to run multiple tasks that do various data checks simultaneously. If one of the tasks returns true I should stop the other tasks since I have my actionable result. It's also very possible none of the functions return true

I have the code to run the tasks together (I think), I'm just having trouble getting to the finish line:

Task task1 = Task.Run(() => Task1(stoppingToken));
Task task2 = Task.Run(() => Task2(stoppingToken));
Task task3 = Task.Run(() => Task3(stoppingToken));
Task task4 = Task.Run(() => Task4(stoppingToken));
Task task5 = Task.Run(() => Task5(stoppingToken));
Task task6 = Task.Run(() => Task6(stoppingToken));

Task.WaitAll(task1, task2, task3, task4, task5, task6);

This is a little different than the answer in the linked question where the desired result is known (timeout value). I'm waiting for any of these tasks to possibly return true and then cancel the remaining tasks if they are still running

Task.WhenAny with cancellation of the non completed tasks and timeout


  • Here's a solution based on continuation tasks. The idea is to append continuation tasks to each of the original (provided) tasks, and check the result there. If it's a match, the completion source will be set with a result (if there's no match, the result won't be set at all).

    Then, the code will wait for whatever happens first: either all the continuation tasks complete, or the task completion result will be set. Either way, we'll be ready to check the result of the task associated with task completion source (that's why we wait for the continuation tasks to complete, not the original tasks) and if it's set, it's pretty much an indication that we have a match (the additional check at the end is a little paranoid, but better safe than sorry I guess... :D)

    public static async Task<bool> WhenAnyHasResult<T>(Predicate<T> isExpectedResult, params Task<T>[] tasks)
        const TaskContinuationOptions continuationTaskFlags = TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously | TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion | TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent;
        // Prepare TaskCompletionSource to be set only when one of the provided tasks
        // completes with expected result
        var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();
        // For every provided task, attach a continuation task that fires
        // once the original task was completed
        var taskContinuations = tasks.Select(task =>
            return task.ContinueWith(x =>
                var taskResult = x.Result;
                if (isExpectedResult(taskResult))
        // We either wait for all the continuation tasks to be completed 
        // (it's most likely an indication that none of the provided tasks completed with the expected result)
        // or for the TCS task to complete (which means a failure)
        await Task.WhenAny(Task.WhenAll(taskContinuations), tcs.Task);
        // If the task from TCS has run to completion, it means the result has been set from
        // the continuation task attached to one of the tasks provided in the arguments
        var completionTask = tcs.Task;
        if (completionTask.IsCompleted)
            // We will check once more to make sure the result is set as expected 
            // and return this as our outcome
            var tcsResult = completionTask.Result;
            return isExpectedResult(tcsResult);
        // TCS result was never set, which means we did not find a task matching the expected result.
        return false;

    Now, the usage will be as follows:

    static async Task ExampleWithBooleans()
        Console.WriteLine("Example with booleans");
        var task1 = SampleTask(3000, true);
        var task2 = SampleTask(5000, false);
        var finalResult = await TaskUtils.WhenAnyHasResult(result => result == true, task1, task2);
        // go ahead and cancel your cancellation token here
        Console.WriteLine("Final result: " + finalResult);
        Debug.Assert(finalResult == true);

    What's nice about putting it into a generic method, is that it works with any type, not only booleans, as a result of the original task.