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Recursively generate tuple of all distinct types referenced by a struct

I'm specifying a graph of types at compile time with usings and std::tuples like this:


struct C;

struct A
    using ReferencedTypes = std::tuple<>;

struct B
    using ReferencedTypes = std::tuple<C>;

struct C
    using ReferencedTypes = std::tuple<B, A>;

struct D
    using ReferencedTypes = std::tuple<A, B, C>;

struct E
    using ReferencedTypes = std::tuple<C, B>;

What I would like is a way to recursively get a tuple of all the distinct types referenced by any one of these types (Including the top-level type). The order of the elements of the tuple doesn't matter. Something like:

// DistinctTypes is a std::tuple<E, C, B, A>;
using DistinctTypes = all_types_referenced_in_graph<E>::value;


  • My template metaprogramming skills are rusty, but I have something working that will correctly ignore the cycles.

    For example, I'm sure a better answer will not force the use of std::tuple_cat and SFINAE.

    For the sake of readability, I used requires instead of SFINAE dark arts.

    First, let's write a metafunction that will search linearly in a tuple to find if an element is there. If it's there, return true. Otherwise, return false:

    // Base case
    template<typename Elem, typename Tuple>
    struct tuple_contains : std::false_type {};
    // Iteration. We extend the type until result. Looks like recursion.
    // We drop the first element of the tuple for the next iteration, until none.
    template<typename T, typename First, typename... Rest>
    struct tuple_contains<T, std::tuple<First, Rest...>> : tuple_contains<T, std::tuple<Rest...>> {};
    // Success! T is the same as the first element of the tuple!
    template<typename T, typename... Rest>
    struct tuple_contains<T, std::tuple<T, Rest...>> : std::true_type {};

    Using that, we can make a class that will recursively go into tuples, and append a type into a list only if that element is not in the list:

    // We will only use specializations
    template<typename TupIn, typename TupOut = std::tuple<>>
    struct recursive_append_unique;
    // End case. No more types to process.
    template<typename... TsOut>
    struct recursive_append_unique<std::tuple<>, std::tuple<TsOut...>> {
        using type = std::tuple<TsOut...>;
    // Here we receive std::tuple<T, TsIn...> where T is already in TsOut.
    // In that case, we skip it since it's already processed
    template<typename T, typename... TsIn, typename... TsOut>
    requires (tuple_contains<T, std::tuple<TsOut...>>::value)
    struct recursive_append_unique<std::tuple<T, TsIn...>, std::tuple<Ts...>> {
        using type = recursive_append_unique<std::tuple<TsIn...>, std::tuple<TsOut...>>::type;
    // Here we have a T that is not in TsOut.
    // Here's the core of the algorithm: We add T into TsOut,
    // But we also add all types on T::ReferencedTypes into TsIn.
    // The next iteration will take care of the first type we added into TsIn.
    template<typename T, typename... TsIn, typename... TsOut>
    struct recursive_append_unique<std::tuple<T, TsIn...>, std::tuple<TsOut...>> {
        using type = recursive_append_unique<decltype(std::tuple_cat(std::declval<typename T::ReferencedTypes>(), std::declval<std::tuple<TsIn...>>())), std::tuple<TsOut..., T>>::type;

    Here's a usage of it with your code:

    int main() {
        static_assert(std::same_as<recursive_append_unique<std::tuple<E>>::type, std::tuple<E, C, B, A>>);

    I'm sure this can be done way simpler, but it's been quite a while since I've done anything with template metaprograms.

    Live example

    The requires clause can be replaced by a dummy third template parameter defaulted to void, combined with std::enable_if_t.