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How to use otThreadGetChildNextIp6Address?

I can’t find out how to use otThreadGetChildNextIp6Address. I am using two devices, one is the leader and the other is a child. I need the leader to get child addresses, is it possible to do it with this API?

I have tried with arguments below but it returned OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND.

  • aChildIndex: I have set it to 0. I am quite sure the issue does not come from the index as I used otThreadGetChildInfoByIndex above with 0 index and it works fine.
  • aIterator: I have created a otChildIp6AddressIterator variable and I have passed its address to the API.
  • aAddress: I have created a otIp6Address variable and I have passed its address to the API.

Have I missed something?


  • See the OpenThread CLI implementation for an example of using otThreadGetChildNextIp6Address().