I am running openthread/environment:latest docker image (as of 2019-06-15)
When starting on a fresh ubuntu 18.04 with docker 18.09 using the command
ubuntu@ip-172-31-37-198:~$ docker run -it --rm openthread/environment bash
I get the following output
- Stopping system message bus dbus [ OK ]
- Starting system message bus dbus [ OK ]
- Starting enhanced syslogd rsyslogd
rsyslogd: imklog: cannot open kernel log (/proc/kmsg): Operation not permitted
rsyslogd: activation of module imklog failed [v8.32.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2145 ]
Anyone knows whether this is related to ubuntu setup or the docker container or how to fix.
Try adding the --privileged
For example:
docker run -it --rm --privileged openthread/environment bash