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Can I directly extract contents of a tweet using google sheet formulas?

B20 is the cell containing the link to the tweet. So I have a Google sheet with links to tweets and I wanna use formula to extract text of tweet to sheet.

=INDEX(IMPORTXML(B20,”//a[@Class=‘Css-4rbku5 etc etc’]”),1)

So I used this sorta command to get the headline of reddit threads, I was hoping similarly Tweets’ content, the text can b extracted as well. But I keep getting error “Imported Content is Empty”


  • Twitter is dynamically generated

    This means that the HTML that is loaded when you request the HTML does not contain any tweets. Once the basic HTML has loaded, then the tweets begin to get populated into the page via JavaScript.

    Since this is the case, any HTML you recieve from IMPORTXML will not have any tweets. Twitter itself tries to limit any scraping that is not done via the API.

    So unfortunately your best recourse is to either use the API (it has a free tier), or learn to use some web automation software such as Puppeteer, which can emulate a person who visits the site, waits for a second to let the content load, and then scrape the data.

    Disclaimer: It is possible that IMPORTXML will work using the css class as you have done, though this will be very unreliable. The CSS classes are also auto generated, so they will be changing very often.


    Using curl on the command line to fetch the raw HTML of (before any JavaScript changes):

    curl >> twitter.html

    Examining the resulting twitter.html file:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
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    ... its too long to paste the whole thing on Stack Overflow...

    The tweet at this page is:

    enter image description here

    But in the whole HTML, this text is nowhere to be found.