So I have very weird tracing data from dotTrace:
Here is the struct:
public struct TargetStruct : SomeInterface
private RigidTransform rt;
public RoundBounds rb;
public int Start;
public Bool IsEnabled;
public TypeEnum TheType;
// Nested types
public struct RoundBounds : SomeInterface
public float3 Center;
public float Radius;
public float RadiusSq;
public struct Bool : IEquatable<Bool>, SomeInterface
private bool value;
public enum TypeEnum : byte
public struct RigidTransform
public quaternion rot;
public float3 pos;
public static readonly RigidTransform identity = new RigidTransform(new quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f), new float3(0f, 0f, 0f));
This runs under Unity's mono 2019.4.12-mbe, if it is relevant, Unity generates project targeting 4.7.1. Struct is being passed down to SizeOf via generic methods with constraints where T: struct
, though this should be irrelevant.
Here is IL of mono's mscorlib Marshal.SizeOf<T>
Call is forwarded to external
SizeOf(Type t);
What can possible cause heap allocations? My only assumption is boxing, but I cant see any boxing here. GetType()
should not allocate
The link you refer to regarding the allocation behavior of GetType()
says that it doesn't allocate a new instance every time, it does not say it doesn't allocate at all.
The first time you call GetType()
on an object of a particular type will result in the allocation of a new RuntimeType
instance to represent the type, but it's a one-off allocation and subsequent GetType()
calls on objects of that type will return the existing instance.