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How do I add an autoincrement Counter based on Conditions and conditional reset in Google-Bigquery

Have my table in Big query and have a problem getting an incremental field based on a condition.

Basically every time the score hits below 95% it returns Stage 1 for the first week. If it hits below 95% for a second straight week it returns Stage 2 etc etc. however, if it goes above 95 % the counter resets to "Good". and thereafter returns Stage 1 if it goes below 95% etc etc.

Need it to look like this pic as shown in Ms Excel


  • You can use row_number() -- but after assigning a group based on the count of > 95% values up to each row:

    select t.*,
           (case when row_number() over (partition by grp order by month, week) = 1
                 then 'Good'
                 else concat('Stage ', row_number() over (partition by grp order by month, week) - 1)
            end) as level
    from (select t.*,
                 countif(score > 0.95) over (order by month, week) as grp
          from t
         ) t;