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Edge IE Mode - Local Group Policy

I figured out how to set Local Group Policy for my own local testing...via gpedit...

Local Computer Policy --> Administrative Templates --> Microsoft Edge

  1. Configure Internet Explorer Integration

Click Enabled

Under Options - select Internet Explorer mode

  1. Configure the Enterprise Mode Site List

Click Enabled

Under Options - enter file:////c:/my_sites/sites.xml

  1. This is from c:/my_sites/sites.xml

site url - ""

compat-mode - default

open-in -IE11

site url - ""

compat-mode - default

open-in - IE11

However, I've been trying all day and nothing seems to take. Edge just opens google and that internal001 site in Edge. Do you guys have any ideas what could be blocking or missing? Thank you.


  • I downloaded the Enterprise Site Manager v2 and created the XML through the tool and it works, for whatever reason. Before I copied and pasted into notepad and plugged in my sites. I am going to mess with this, maybe try the manual XML again with the info from v2, see if that takes. i am also going to run the clear cache as I need to add and remove sites while I test.