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IE11 - does a polyfill / script exist for CSS variables?

I'm developing a webpage in a mixed web browser environment (Chrome/IE11). IE11 doesn't support CSS variables, is there a polyfill or script that exists that would allow me to use CSS variables in IE11?


  • Yes, so long as you're processing root-level custom properties (IE9+).

    From the README:


    • Client-side transformation of CSS custom properties to static values
    • Live updates of runtime values in both modern and legacy browsers
    • Transforms <link>, <style>, and @import CSS
    • Transforms relative url() paths to absolute URLs
    • Supports chained and nested var() functions
    • Supports var() function fallback values
    • Supports web components / shadow DOM CSS
    • Watch mode auto-updates on <link> and <style> changes
    • UMD and ES6 module available
    • TypeScript definitions included
    • Lightweight (6k min+gzip) and dependency-free


    • Custom property support is limited to :root and :host declarations
    • The use of var() is limited to property values (per W3C specification)

    Here are a few examples of what the library can handle:

    Root-level custom properties

    :root {
        --a: red;
    p {
        color: var(--a);

    Chained custom properties

    :root {
        --a: var(--b);
        --b: var(--c);
        --c: red;
    p {
        color: var(--a);

    Nested custom properties

    :root {
        --a: 1em;
        --b: 2;
    p {
        font-size: calc(var(--a) * var(--b));

    Fallback values

    p {
        font-size: var(--a, 1rem);
        color: var(--b, var(--c, var(--d, red))); 

    Transforms <link>, <style>, and @import CSS

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/absolute/path/to/style.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../relative/path/to/style.css">
        @import "/absolute/path/to/style.css";
        @import "../relative/path/to/style.css";

    Transforms web components / shadow DOM

          .my-custom-element {
            color: var(--test-color);
        <div class="my-custom-element">Hello.</div>

    For the sake of completeness: w3c specs

    (Shameless self-promotion: Check)