Using React Hooks I would like to change the text of my button when a user clicks it to say "Added" and then I would like to set it back to the original text "Add to Cart" after 1 second. I assume I would use setTimeout for this but am having trouble figuring out how to use it in this case.
I have this
const [buttonText, setButtonText] = useState("Add To Cart");
and this so far.
onClick={() => setButtonText("Added")}
Add the timeout
inside useEffect
, and pass buttonText as dependency, every time the buttonText is updated, the timeout will restore the default text value:
const text = "Add To Cart"
const [buttonText, setButtonText] = useState(text);
useEffect(()=> {
const timer = setTimeout(()=> {
}, 1000);
return ()=> clearTimeout(timer);
}, [buttonText])
return (<button
onClick={() => setButtonText("Added")}