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Oracle APEX - Find all pages utilizing specific LOV

I want to find out if a specific LOV has been used by any pages in my application. I assume this can be done by querying APEX express views. I found a view containing LOV data - APEX_APPLICATION_LOVS but that does not help me get the list of pages utilizing the LOV. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


  • The easiest way is via the APEX Builder tool: enter image description here

    As that shows, there are 3 places they can be used:

    • page items
    • report columns
    • interactive reports

    (though I would expect interactive grids to be there too, and perhaps facets too).

    Another way to to search APEX_DICTIONARY for likely columns e.g.

    select * from apex_dictionary
    where column_name like '%NAMED_LOV%';

    That returns:


    I don't have the definitive list, but I hope that helps.