Design a 2-bit signed multiplier using one instantiation of your 4-bit adder. Remember that you need to sign extend your two 2-bit inputs to a full 4-bits.
This was my assignment and I came up with following code but some of my outputs are wrong. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
module mult(C,A,B);
output signed[3:0]C;
input signed[1:0]A,B;
reg signed[3:0]sA,sB;
assign sA = {A[1],A[1],A};
assign sB = {B[1],B[1],B};
wire carry;
wire signed[3:0] A1;
wire signed[3:0] A2;
wire signed[3:0] sum0;
assign A2[0] = 0;
adder4bit a1(.A(A1),.B(A2),.Co(carry),.sum(sum0));
assign C[0] = sum0[0];
assign C[1] = sum0[1];
assign C[2] = sum0[2];
assign C[3] = sum0[3];
module adder4bit(A,B,sum,Co);
input signed[3:0]A,B;
output signed [4:0]sum;
reg signed[4:0]a,b;
output Co;
wire Ci;
assign Ci = 1'b0;
assign a = {A[3],A};
assign b = {B[3],B};
FA a0(.A(a[0]),.B(b[0]),.Ci(Ci),.sum(sum[0]),.Co(w1));
FA a1(.A(a[1]),.B(b[1]),.Ci(w1),.sum(sum[1]),.Co(w2));
FA a2(.A(a[2]),.B(b[2]),.Ci(w2),.sum(sum[2]),.Co(w3));
FA a3(.A(a[3]),.B(b[3]),.Ci(w3),.sum(sum[3]),.Co(w4));
FA a4(.A(a[4]),.B(b[4]),.Ci(w4),.sum(sum[4]),.Co(Co));
module FA(A,B,Ci,Co,sum);
input A,B,Ci;
output sum,Co;
assign sum = (A^B)^Ci;
assign Co = (B&Ci) | (A&Ci) | (A&B);
There were some signals declared as reg
connected to port outputs, reg
must be assigned in procedural blocks.
I also made the carry bits in the adder an explicit wire
vector, instead of multiple implicit wires. Implicit wires are dangerous a typo leads to a disconnection.
Also I declared the sum0
in the multiplier to have the same width as the output in of the sum
port where it is connected, even though the bit 4 will not be used.
In terms of logic you made only one mistake, the A * B = A * B[0] - 2*A * B[1]
instead of A * B[0] + 2*B[1]
if B
is a 2-bit signed integer. Because B[1]
is the sign bit, thus B = B[0] - 2*B[1]
. I fixed this by using the unary -
directly in the port connection, I will leave it to you to write this structurally.
module mult(C,A,B);
output signed[3:0]C;
input signed[1:0]A,B;
wire signed[3:0]sA,sB;
assign sA = {A[1],A[1],A};
assign sB = {B[1],B[1],B};
wire carry;
wire signed[3:0] A1;
wire signed[3:0] A2;
wire signed[4:0] sum0;
assign A2[0] = 0;
// FIXME: Notice that I am passing -A2, the simulator will
// negate the signal automatically. Maybe for your assignment
// you are requried to expand this using logic primitives...
adder4bit a1(.A(A1),.B(-A2),.Co(carry),.sum(sum0));
assign C[0] = sum0[0];
assign C[1] = sum0[1];
assign C[2] = sum0[2];
assign C[3] = sum0[3];
module adder4bit(A,B,sum,Co);
input signed[3:0]A,B;
output signed [4:0]sum;
wire signed[4:0]a,b;
output Co;
wire [4:1] w;
wire Ci;
assign Ci = 1'b0;
assign a = {A[3],A};
assign b = {B[3],B};
FA a0(.A(a[0]),.B(b[0]),.Ci(Ci),.sum(sum[0]),.Co(w[1]));
FA a1(.A(a[1]),.B(b[1]),.Ci(w[1]),.sum(sum[1]),.Co(w[2]));
FA a2(.A(a[2]),.B(b[2]),.Ci(w[2]),.sum(sum[2]),.Co(w[3]));
FA a3(.A(a[3]),.B(b[3]),.Ci(w[3]),.sum(sum[3]),.Co(w[4]));
FA a4(.A(a[4]),.B(b[4]),.Ci(w[4]),.sum(sum[4]),.Co(Co));
module FA(A,B,Ci,Co,sum);
input A,B,Ci;
output sum,Co;
assign sum = (A^B)^Ci;
assign Co = (B&Ci) | (A&Ci) | (A&B);