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ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'length' was called on null

I am trying to build an application with flutter and laravel api. it was going good till i started implementing the login functionality. I am getting this error [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'length' was called on null. Can you please tell me what is wrong with my code? In case I made a silly mistake, please don't be mad I am just getting started with programming. Thanks a lot! Login function code

    var _userService = UserService();
    var registeredUser = await _userService.login(user);
    var result = json.decode(registeredUser.body);
    if(result['success']['result']== true){
      SharedPreferences _prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
      _prefs.setInt('userId', result['success']['user']['id']);
      _prefs.setString('userName', result['success']['user']['name']);
      _prefs.setString('userPhone', result['success']['user']['phone']);
      _prefs.setString('userEmail', result['success']['user']['email']);
      _prefs.setString('token', result['success']['token']);
      // Timer(Duration(seconds: 2), () {
      //   Navigator.pop(context);
      //   Navigator.popAndPushNamed(context,;
      // });
          context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => HomeScreen()));
    }  else {
      displayToastMessage('Failed to login!', context);

When I press `Login button` this is how I call the `login` function.
```onPressed: () {
              .contains("@")) {
                "Not a valid email address", context);
          else if(passwordTextEditingController.text.length < 6) {
                "Password must be at least 6 characters", context);
          }  else {
            var user = User();
            // = nameTextEditingController.text;
   = emailTextEditingController.text;
            // = phoneTextEditingController.text;
            user.password = passwordTextEditingController.text;
            _login(context, user);

This is the UsersService Code for login
`login(User user) async {
    return await _repository.httpPost('login', user.toJson());

and `_repositpry` is the one sending request to the `api`
here is how it is implemented 
`  String _baseUrl = '';
   httpPost(String api, data) async {
    return await + "/" + api, body: data);

and here is the api code for login
` public function login(){ 
        if(Auth::attempt(['email' => request('email'), 'password' => request('password')])){ 
            $user = Auth::user(); 
            $success['token'] =  $user->createToken('MyApp')->accessToken; 
            $success['name'] =  $user->name;
            $success['user'] =  $user;
            return response()->json(['success' => $success], $this->successStatus); 
            return response()->json(['error'=>'Unauthorised'], 401); 

can you please tell me why I am getting this error? thanks again!


  • Finally, I solved the problem. This is how I structured my used model.

    class User {
      int id;
      String name;
      String email;
      String phone;
      String password;
        return {
          'id' : id.toString(),
          'name' : name,
          'email' : email,
          'phone' : phone,
          'password' : password,

    But in the _login function, only email and password were set. since my server doesn't allow null values for phone and name fields, I have to convert those fields to not null. so, I converted the user model like this. then it is solved.

    class User {
      int id;
      String name;
      String email;
      String phone;
      String password;
        return {
          'id' : id.toString(),
          'name' : name.toString(),
          'email' : email.toString(),
          'phone' : phone.toString(),
          'password' : password.toString(),

    Thank you guys for helping me, I really appreciate it. Special thanks to @sajith lakmal