I have two tables: Customers info, like id,customerName,address etc.. and RecipientOfGoods - customerId, address. The addresses from both tables differ, the address in customer table is by registration and the address in second table is delivery address. I need to add in the first table the recipient of goods address in order to compare the two type of addresses.
use dwh01
SELECT distinct
,cus.[Street] as StreetByReg
,del.Street as StreetForDelivery
,cus.[Postalcode] as PKByReg
,del.Postalcode as PKForDelivery
,cus.[City] as CityByReg
,del.City as CityForDelivery
FROM [dwh01].[live].[DimCustomer] cus
join live.DimRecipientOfGoods del on del.RecipientOfGoodsid = cus.Customerid
where cus.BranchId in('1080','1081') and ltrim(cus.CustomerId) = '99060'
Thats my query, and i do get the needed result, but i also get on second row the same info but in the columns for address from the second table i get the address from first table. The question is how to remove that useless second row appearing and why it happens like this?
JOIN excluding equal rows to get only customers with new addresses.
SELECT distinct
,cus.[Street] as StreetByReg
,del.Street as StreetForDelivery
,cus.[Postalcode] as PKByReg
,del.Postalcode as PKForDelivery
,cus.[City] as CityByReg
,del.City as CityForDelivery
FROM [dwh01].[live].[DimCustomer] cus
JOIN live.DimRecipientOfGoods del ON del.RecipientOfGoodsid = cus.Customerid
AND (cus.[Street] <> del.[Street] OR cus.[Postalcode] <> del.[Postalcode] OR cus.[City] <> del.[City])
WHERE cus.BranchId in('1080','1081') and ltrim(cus.CustomerId) = '99060'