I want CODE 1 and CODE 2 to do the same
module testModule #( parameter LEN = 4,
parameter logic [0:0] OPTION = 1'b0 )
input Clk,
input [ 7:0][LEN-1:0] DataIn,
input [ 7:0][LEN-1:0] Factor,
output [15:0][LEN-1:0] DataOut_1,
output [15:0][LEN-1:0] DataOut_2
// CODE 1
always_ff @(posedge Clk) begin
for (int i = 0; i < LEN; i++) begin
if (OPTION == 1'b0) begin
DataOut_1[i] <= DataIn[i] * Factor[0];
end else begin
DataOut_1[i] <= DataIn[i] * Factor[i];
// CODE 2
always_ff @(posedge Clk) begin
for (int i = 0; i < LEN; i++) begin
int select = (OPTION == 1'b0) ? 0 : i;
DataOut_2[i] <= DataIn[i] * Factor[select];
OPTION can be either 0 of 1.
But I get the following errors in CODE 2 in line
int select = (OPTION == 1'b0) ? 0 : i;
Local static variable with initializer requires 'static' keyword
automatic variable illegal in static variable initializer
I don't want to simplify the for loop because the in my original code I need it
This question is a variant on this other but I didn't want to change the original code question
You have a couple of issues there:
are declared as nets. So, you should declare them as regs at minimum: output reg [15:0][LEN-1:0] DataOut_1,
output reg [15:0][LEN-1:0] DataOut_2
by nature. Except in some cases. The i
defined in the 'for' loop is automatic. Therefore you cannot use it as an initializer to a static variable. You need to declare 'select' as automatic:automatic int select = (OPTION == 1'b0) ? 0 : i;