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Whats the right way to create multiple elements using terraform variables?

I am creating AWS SQS queues using Terraform. for each service, i need to create two queues, one normal queue and one error queue. The settings for each are mostly the same, but i need to create the error queue first so i can pass its ARN to the normal queue as part of its redrive policy. Instead of creating 10 modules there has to be a better way to loop through replacing just the names. So programming logic... foreach queue in queue_prefixes, create error module, then regular module. Im sure im just not searching right or asking the right question.

directory structure


provider "aws" {
  region = "us-west-2"

module "hfd_sqs_error_sandbox" {
    source = "../"
    for_each = var.queue_prefixes
    name= each.key+"_Error"

module "hfd_sqs_sandbox" {
    source = "../"

    redrive_policy = jsonencode({
    deadLetterTargetArn = hfd_sqs_error_sandbox_this_sqs_queue_arn,
    maxReceiveCount     = 3

variable "queue_prefixes" {
  description = "Create these queues with the enviroment prefixed"
  type = list(string)
  default = [


  • You may want to consider adding a wrapper module that creates both Normal Queue and Dead-Letter Queue. That would make creating resources in order much easier.

    Consider this example (with null resources for easy testing):

    Root module creating all queues:

    # ./
    locals {
      queue_prefixes = [
    module queue_set {
      source = "./modules/queue_set"
      for_each = toset(local.queue_prefixes)
      name = each.key

    Wrapper module creating a set of 2 queues: normal + dlq:

    # ./modules/queue_set/
    variable "name" {
      type = string
    module dlq {
      source = "../queue"
      name = "${}_Error"
    module queue {
      source = "../queue"
      name =
      redrive_policy =

    Individual queue resource suitable to create both types of queues:

    # ./modules/queue/
    variable "name" {
      type = string
    variable "redrive_policy" {
      type = string
      default =  ""
    resource "null_resource" "queue" {
      provisioner "local-exec" {
        command = "echo \"Created queue ${}, redrive policy: ${var.redrive_policy}\""
      # this is irrelevant to the question, it's just to make null resource change every time
      triggers = {
        always_run = timestamp()
    output "id" {
      value =

    Now if we run this stack, we can see the resources created in the correct order:

    enter image description here