IL2CPP.exe is a Unity utility for converting C# IL code to C++. My question is: can this executable be used outside of the Unity game-development environment as a general-purpose tool for converting any .NET application (not just games) to a high-performance native executable?
Although I do know some C++, It would certainly be nice to be able write all kinds of programs in a language I am comfortable and fluent with (C#)......whether they be audio/video/music-production DAWs or OS-level security/forensics tools or machine-learning platforms or anything else that's resource-intensive.......and know that they will run as efficiently as an app written in straight C++.
Based on @StackHola update, it is possible to generate C++ code from C# using IL2CPP Command Line, but you would probably not get any performance benefits doing so, see my Long answer from 2021.
IL2CPP is tightly connected to the Unity environment and it's not possible to use it outside of Unity. You would need to write your own converter(?) to do such a thing.
IL2CPP doesn't do any magic in terms of performance improvement. Comparing C++ with C# with IL2CPP code should give (almost - more below) no performance benefit.
IL2CPP is performant compared to C# code written for Unity specifically for few reasons that have nothing to do with C++.
Why Unity is unique and needs IL2CPP:
So why IL2CPP?
Is it worth converting other C# to C++?
No! Compare any arbitrary, optimized C# code that was precompiled by AOT to (modern) C++. You should get the same performance! Identical I would say.
C# is compiled to IL (Intermediate Language) which as the name suggests is Intermediate. It's converted in runtime to Native Binary code (only when needed), that is what C++ is compiled into. You can force this conversion by skipping IL generation by running Ahead of Time compilation (AOT).
The ONLY thing that your C# code will be less performant is when you are abusing GC's ability to clean up after you.