I have an incoming stream of messages, and want a window that allows the user to scroll through the messages.
This is my current thinking:
I'm not happy about the notification into the UI. It would be generated with high frequency. These could be queued or otherwise throttled; latency should not affect the first id but delays in handling the last id could cause problems in corner cases such as viewing the very end of a full buffer unless the UI makes a copy of the messages it displays, which I would like to avoid.
Does this sound like the right approach? Any tweaks that could make it a bit more palatable?
(See Effo EDIT below, and this part is deprecated) The ring buffer is not necessary if there's a queue between the thread and each UI.
When message arrived, the thread pop it and push it to a UI's queue accordingly.
Furthermore each UI.Q could be operated atomically too. There's no mutex needed. Another benefit is that each message only had been copied twice: one is to low level queue, anther is to the display, because storing the message to elsewhere is not necessary (just assign a pointer from low level queue to UI.Q should be enough if C/C++).
So far the only concern is that might the length of a UI.Q is not run-time enough when messaging traffic is heavy. Per this question, you can either use a dynamic-length queue or let the UI itself stores the overflowed message to a posix memory-mapped file. High efficiency if using posix mapping, even though you are using a file and need to do extra message copying. But anyway it is only the exception handling. Queue could be set to a proper size so that normally you'll get excellent performances. The point is that when the UI need to store overflowed message to a mapped file, it should perform highly-concurrent operation too so that it will not affect the low level queue.
I prefer to dynamic-size queue proposal. It seems we have lots of memory on modern PCs.
see the document EffoNetMsg.pdf at http://code.google.com/p/effonetmsg/downloads/list to learn more about lock-free, queue facilities and Highly-concurrent Programming Models.
Effo EDIT@2009oct23: Show a Staged Model which support random message accessing for scrolling of message viewers.
+---> Ring Buffer-1 <---+
| +---------------+ |
+--+ +-----+
| | +---------------+ | |
| +---> Ring Buffer-2 <---+ |
| +---------------+ |
| |
+-------+-------+ +-----------+----------+
| Push Msg & | | GetHeadTail() |
| Send AckReq | | & Send UpdateReq |
+---------------+ +----------------------+
|App.MsgStage() | | App.DisPlayStage() |
+-------+-------+ +-----------+----------+
| Pop() | Pop()
^ +-V-+ +-V-+
| Events | Q | Msg Stage | | Q | Display Stage
| Go Up | 0 | Logic-Half | | 1 | Logic-Half
-+------------- | | -------------+------------ | | ---------------
| Requests | | I/O-Half | | | I/O-Half
| Move Down +-^-+ | +-^-+
V | Push() |
+--------------+-------------+ |
| Push OnRecv Event, | +-------+-------+
| 1 Event per message | | | Push()
| | +------+------+ +------+------+
| Epoll I/O thread for | |Push OnTimer | |Push OnTimer |
|multi-messaging connections | | Event/UI-1 | | Event/UI-2 |
+------^-------^--------^----+ +------+------+ +------+------+
| | | | |
Incoming msg1 msg2 msg3 Msg Viewer-1 Msg Viewer-2
The Points:
1 You understand different Highly-concurrent Models, specific shown in above figure, a Staged Model; so that you'll know why it runs fast.
2 Two kinds of I/O, one is Messaging or Epoll Thread if C/C++ and GNU Linux 2.6x; another is Displaying such as drawing screen or printing text, and so on. the 2 kinds of I/O are processed as 2 Stages accordingly. Note if Win/MSVC, use Completion Port instead of Epoll.
3 Still 2 message-copyings as mentioned before. a) Push-OnRecv generates the message ("CMsg *pMsg = CreateMsg(msg)" if C/C++); b) UI read and copy message from it's ring buffer accordingly, and only need to copy updated message parts, not the whole buffer. Note queues and ring buffers are only store a message handle ("queue.push(pMsg)" or "RingBuff.push(pMsg)" if C/C++), and any aged-out message will be deleted ("pMsg->Destroy()" if C/C++). In general the MsgStage() would rebuild the Msg Header before push it into the ring buffer.
4 After an OnTimer event, the UI will receive update from upper layer which contains new Head/Tail indicators of the ring buff. so UI could update the display accordingly. Hope UI has a local msg buffer, so don't need to copy the whole ring buffer, but just update. see point 3 above. If need to perform random-accessing on ring buffer, you could just let UI generate OnScroll event. actually if UI has a local buffer, OnScroll might be not necessary. anyway, you can do it. Note UI will determine wheter to discard an aged-out message or not, say generate OnAgedOut event, so that the ring buffers could be operated correctly and safely.
5 Exactly, OnTimer or OnRecv is the Event name, and OnTimer(){} or OnRecv(){} would be executed in DisplayStage() or MsgStage(). Again, Events go upwards and Requests go downstream, and this might be different from that what you had though or seen before.
6 Q0 and 2 ring buffers could be implemented as lock-free facilities to improve performances, since single producer and single consumer; no lock/mutex needed. while Q1 is somthing different. But I believe you are able to make it single producer and single consumer too by changing the above design figure slightly, e.g. add Q2 so every UI has a queue, and DisplayStage() could just polling Q1 and Q2 to process all events correctly. Note Q0 and Q1 are Event-Queue, the Request-Queues are not shown in above figure.
7 MsgStage() and DisplayStage() are in a single StagedModel.Stage() sequentially, say the Main Thread. Epoll I/O or Messaging is another thread, the MsgIO Thread, and every UI has an I/O thread, say Display Thread. so in above figure, there're 4 threads in total which are running concurrently. Effo had tested that just one MsgIO Thread should be enough for multi-liseners plus thousands of messaging clients.
Again, see the document EffoNetMsg.pdf at http://code.google.com/p/effonetmsg/downloads/list or EffoAddons.pdf at http://code.google.com/p/effoaddon/downloads/list to learn more about Highly-concurrent Programming Models and network messaging; see EffoDesign_LockFree.pdf at http://code.google.com/p/effocore/downloads/list to learn more about lock-free facilities such as lock-free queue and lock-free ring buffer.