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What does '-race' flag do in go build

I am confusing for following code, what's the difference between go run with go run -race, Does the -race will change the program behavior?

// test.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    c := make(chan string)

    go func() {
        for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
            c <- "hello there"

    for msg := range c {

when go run test.go, result is :

hello there
hello there
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!

goroutine 1 [chan receive]:
        /Users/donghui6/go/src/ +0xf4
exit status 2

when go run -race test.go, program will hang as following:

hello there
hello there

so, who can tell me what happened when use -race flag


  • what happen[s] when use '-race' flag in go build

    Then the program is built with the so called "race detector" enabled. Dataraces are a programming error and any program with a datarace is invalid and its behaviour is undefined. You must never write code with data races.

    A data race is when two or more goroutines read and write to the same memory without proper synchronisation. Data races happen but are a major fault of the programmer.

    The race detector detects unsynchronised read/writes to the same memory and reports them as a failure (which it is). Note that if the race detector detects a data race your code is buggy even if it runs "properly" without -race.

    The race detector is not on always because detecting data races slows down execution drastically.