I found a topic that encounter the same problem (Can't debug Golang in vscode apple m1) but I'm not sure it's an old solution or not because I'm using the Go version
go1.17.1 darwin/arm64
dlv version 1.7.2
VSCode version 1.60.2 (arm64)
Mac M1 BigSur (11.6)
when I run debug (fn+f5
) a Debug console shows:
Starting: /Users/username/go/bin/dlv-dap dap --check-go-version=false --listen= --log-dest=3 from /Users/username/go/src/project-name
DAP server listening at:
and there is a Pop-up error:
Failed to launch: could not launch process: can not run under Rosetta, check that the installed build of Go is right for your CPU architecture
I have tried downgrade go version to 1.16.8 arm64 with dlv 1.6.1 but still got the same error.
I can use go build successfully on both versions.
Ensure your VSCode uses the arm64 version. (it can use a different go version from the system)
Run Go: install/update tools. It will rebuild all tools with the arm64 go version.