I have a homework assignment to create a type for "ints larger than existing types can store." We should store the numbers in an array of digits(backward for easier math logic). I'm using a dynamic array to store the info in the object. I am required to overload at least the +, -, * , <, >, << and >> operators. Also .cpp and .h files must be separate.
Not too sure how to overload the >> operator based on the class attributes and manipulation needed.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
typedef int* BigIntPtr;
class BigIntegers {
int size; // based on string size, if neg string size -1
BigIntPtr number; // dynamic array ptr
bool isNeg; // set default to false, assumes a positive number
explicit BigIntegers(std::string num = "");
BigIntegers(const BigIntegers &bi);
friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, BigIntegers &bi) {
* using eg "is >> bi.data;" doesn't seem viable given the data manipulation needed
* see constructor
std::string input;
bi = BigIntegers(input);
return is;
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BigIntegers &bi) {
if(bi.isNeg) //add sign if needed
os << '-';
for(int s=bi.size-1;s>-1;s--) //print reverse
os << bi.number[s];
return os;
#include <algorithm>
#include "BigIntegers.h"
BigIntegers::BigIntegers(std::string num) {
//if null
size = 0;
number = NULL;
isNeg = 0;
//determine if its negative
if (num.find('-') == 0)
num.erase(remove(num.begin(),num.end(), '-'),num.end());
isNeg =true;
}else {isNeg= false;}
size = num.length();
number = new int[size];
//add array backwards for math optimization
std::string rev; rev.assign(num.rbegin(),num.rend());
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
BigIntegers::~BigIntegers() {
delete [] number;
size =0;
isNeg =0;
#include <iostream>
#include "BigIntegers.h"
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::string;
int main() {
//basic functionality test
string stringInt = "123456";
string stringIntNeg = "-99987654321";
BigIntegers test1(stringInt);
cout << test1 << "\n";
BigIntegers test2(stringIntNeg);
cout << test2 << "\n";
//iostream test
cout << "Enter a big integer in the form 123456 or -123456.\n";
BigIntegers test3;
cin >> test3;
cout << test3 << "\n";
return 0;
Enter a big integer in the form 123456 or -123456.
Process finished with exit code 0
Additionally, sometimes the output is almost correct but negative or some other garbage values are included. eg) cin >> 5314 , cout <<-5314
edit - I've realized that after 4 digits the garbage is introduced. The experimentation continues.
The existing types of integers in C++ cannot store very large integers. We need a new type that can store these large integers we possibly need in dealing with scientific problems. You can represent an integer by storing the integer as an array of digits.
Design and implement a class for integer arithmetic in which a number is implemented as an array of digits. Each entry of the array will be a digit from 0 to 9 (inclusive). The number represented is the concatenation of the digits in the array.
You are required to overload at least the +, -, * , <, >, << and >> operators for this class. Try to overload the division operator /.
Do not forget to implement the gang of three: assignment operator, copy constructor and destructor.
Your division operator is an integer operator so that it returns the integer part of the quotient. You need to understand that the purpose of this class is to store large integers so you should not convert your array representation into regular integer representation during the process of overloading these operators. Again, we assume that these integers cannot be handled by using the build-in integer types so your explicit constructor should have a string type parameter, not an integer type parameter, and get each character from the string, convert it to a digit and store it to your array. To perform operations easily, you may want to store an integer in reversed order in your array.
Just answer a couple of questions from some of you.
The integers are signed because when you do your subtraction you may get a negative integer. So use the first spot of the array to store 0 or 1 (0 for negative and 1 for positive).
The instructions do not allow you to convert the string parameter to an integer. I mean that you should not convert string s="123456" to int n=123456. But, you have to convert character 1 into integer 1, ..., character 6 into integer 6 and store each into your array.
Your overloaded >> operator seems to be correct. Your second problem: The minus sign is no garbage.
bool isNeg; // set default to false, assumes a positive number
You never set it to false. I debugged your code, and the solution is simple:
BigIntegers::BigIntegers(std::string num) : isNeg(false) {
//your constructor stuff
I suggest using a dynamic array of type unsigned short
Saving each digit in an integer each ranging from -2.14 Billion to 2.14 Billion is overkill will require a lot of memory. You don't need negative values to store. You may consider using chars, as you can convert each integer digit into a char
and backward but less memory is required. The most memory-efficient way is perhaps an Enum ranging from 0 to 9.
Your class would require storing a number greater than a long long
(8 bytes) at least 64 bytes (number array
) + 4 bytes for the size
variable + 1 bit (isNeg
). This is quite large for a number :)
According to your task, you are not allowed to use integers. So you have to change it :) My approach exploits the fact that each element of an enum class can be converted to an integer type according to its index in the enum class definition (and vice versa). Eventually, each integer can be converted to a char. Thus, there are still integers but you can spot them hardly.
enum class Digit{Zero,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine};
typedef Digit* BigIntPtr;
class BigIntegers
explicit BigIntegers(std::string num = "");
BigIntegers(const BigIntegers& src);
BigIntegers& operator=(const BigIntegers&src);
friend bool operator<(const BigIntegers& lhs, const BigIntegers& rhs);
friend bool operator>(const BigIntegers& lhs, const BigIntegers& rhs);
friend BigIntegers operator+(const BigIntegers& lhs, const BigIntegers& rhs);
friend BigIntegers operator-(const BigIntegers& lhs, const BigIntegers&rhs);
friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, BigIntegers &bi);
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BigIntegers &bi);
size_t size; // based on string size, if neg string size -1
BigIntPtr number; // dynamic array ptr
bool isNeg; // set default to false, assumes a positive number
Your .cpp file:
#include <algorithm>
#include "bigint.h"
using namespace std;
BigIntegers::BigIntegers(std::string num):isNeg(false)
//if null
if (num.empty())
size = 0;
number = NULL;
isNeg = 0;
//determine if its negative
if (num.find('-') == 0)
num.erase(remove(num.begin(), num.end(), '-'), num.end());
isNeg = true;
size = num.length();
number = new Digit[size];
//add array backwards for math optimization
std::string rev; rev.assign(num.rbegin(), num.rend());
Digit * aux = number;
std::for_each (rev.begin(),rev.end(),[&](const char c)
*number = Digit(c - '0');
number = aux;
BigIntegers::BigIntegers(const BigIntegers & src)
: size(src.size), number{new Digit[src.size]}, isNeg(src.isNeg)
for (auto i = number, j = src.number; i < number + size; i++, j++)
*i = *j;
BigIntegers & BigIntegers::operator=(const BigIntegers & src)
if (this == &src)
return *this;
size = src.size;
isNeg = src.isNeg;
if (number != NULL) delete[] number;
number = new Digit[src.size];
for (auto i = number, j = src.number; i < number + size; i++,j++)
*i = *j;
return *this;
delete[] number;
bool operator<(const BigIntegers & lhs, const BigIntegers & rhs)
if (lhs.size > rhs.size) return false;
if (lhs.size < rhs.size) return true;
for (auto i = lhs.number + lhs.size - 1, j = rhs.number + rhs.size - 1; i >= lhs.number || j >= rhs.number; i--, j--)
if (char(*i) > char(*j))return false;
if (char(*i) < char(*j))return true;
return false;
bool operator>(const BigIntegers & lhs, const BigIntegers & rhs)
return !(lhs < rhs);
BigIntegers operator+(const BigIntegers & lhs, const BigIntegers & rhs)
string value = "";
Digit aux = Digit::Zero;
for (auto i = lhs.number, j = rhs.number; i < lhs.number + lhs.size || j < rhs.number + rhs.size; i++, j++)
char c = char(aux);
c += i < lhs.number + lhs.size ? char(*i) : char(0);
c += j < rhs.number + rhs.size ? char(*j) : char(0);
aux = Digit(0);
if (c > 9)
aux = Digit::One;
c -= 10;
// 48 is '0' in Ascii table
value += (c+48);
if (aux == Digit::One)
value += '1';
reverse(value.begin(), value.end());
return BigIntegers(value);
BigIntegers operator-(const BigIntegers & lhs, const BigIntegers & rhs)
bool reverse = false;
if (lhs < rhs)reverse = true;
const BigIntegers& bigger = reverse ? rhs : lhs;
const BigIntegers& smaller = reverse ? lhs : rhs;
Digit aux = Digit::Zero;
std::string value = "";
for (auto i = bigger.number, j = smaller.number; i < bigger.number+bigger.size; i++, j++)
char c1 = char(*i);
char c2 = j < smaller.number+smaller.size ? char(*j) : 0;
c2 += char(aux);
aux = Digit::Zero;
if (c1 < c2)
aux = Digit::One;
c1 = c1 + 10 - c2;
c1 -= c2;
if (c1 > 0 || i < bigger.number + bigger.size - 1)
// if condition is to avoid leading zeros
value += (c1 + 48);
if (reverse)value += "-";
std::reverse(value.begin(), value.end());
return BigIntegers(value);
istream& operator>>(istream& is, BigIntegers& bi)
std::string input;
getline(is, input);
bi = BigIntegers(input);
return is;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BigIntegers &bi) {
if (bi.isNeg) //add sign if needed
os << '-';
for (int s = bi.size - 1; s > -1; s--) //print reverse
os << static_cast<int>(bi.number[s]);
return os;
As you may notice, I replaced all for loops using an integer ;)
At least I am not using the int
keyword once. However, something like +10
is of course a const integer.
Up to this point, I have not yet been able to determine that storing the digits in reverse is advantageous.
The multiplication is up to you. Nice task :)